Graduate School of Social Sciences

Industrial Policies and Technology Management Thesis Master's Program (English)

Societies that started economically as hunter-gatherers, later developed the service sector following agriculture and industry, and subsequently the development of the information society, have brought about significant transformations for humanity in the 21st century. In the information society, the most important factor for survival is directly dependent on fulfilling the requirements of previous communities, especially the industrial society. Otherwise, societies that are backward in industry cannot escape being large consumers in the information society rather than producers. Today, with the phenomenon of globalization, the rapid changes in technology and employment sectors have created a need for the diversification of educational activities and effective addressing of emerging new demands. Classical educational practices have started to be blended with distance education, and in addition, new interdisciplinary approaches have begun to emerge. In this context, industrial policies and technology management have emerged as some of these new interdisciplinary fields. At the country level, industrial policies and design, and at the firm level, technology management disciplines accelerate the industrialization process of countries and increase the country's productivity, leading to the development of their standard of living.

Industrial Policies are of great importance in the industrialization process of countries. The development of industries in countries, the increase in their competitiveness, and the rise in their export capacities by producing technology-based and high value-added products require the scientific design and implementation of industrial policies. Technology management, a subfield of industrial policy, is a scientific discipline that deals with the effective management of technological competencies, equipment (tools), and human resources at the levels of government institutions, technology ecosystem stakeholders, and firms. In order to accelerate the industrial and technological development of our country, there is a need for qualified personnel specialized in industrial policies and technology management both in government institutions and private sector stakeholders. The aim of establishing the Industrial Policies and Technology Management (IPTM) Master's Program at OSTİM Technical University is to meet the need for such qualified individuals, to train academicians in these fields, and to contribute to accelerating our country's technology-based industrial development.

Our university, established as an "industrial university" and located in one of our country's leading industrial areas like OSTİM, considers the production of knowledge not only in technical fields but also in areas such as economics and business, and contributing to the development of human resources, to be of great importance for a "more efficient and competitive" industry. Through the IPTM Master's Program, it is planned to increase both the quantity and quality of researchers, academicians, and professionals working in the fields of industrial policies and technology management at our university. This will contribute to making experts working in public institutions, academia, and the private sector more equipped in the design and implementation of industrial policies and technology management. As a result, more effective industrial policies and technology management will enhance our country's competitiveness, export capacity, and level of development.